Welcome to the Alpe Pragas Friends loyalty program!

Join "Alpe Pragas Friends" and discover a world of exclusive benefits designed to reward your loyalty. From today, every purchase, every action, every gesture brings you ever closer to unique experiences and personalized discounts.

Become a member of Alpe Pragas Friends and turn every purchase into an opportunity to get exclusive rewards. Every point is a recognition of your trust in us!

Create your Alpe Pragas Friends account

Register now

Download the Alpe Pragas APP

Download the app now

Collect points and redeem your rewards whenever you want

Discover the rules

How to accumulate points

Online shopping
For every euro spent on our site you earn one point. A small contribution for great benefits!

Installing our App
Install our app and get 80 points right away! With these points you can immediately unlock the first prize: free shipping on your next order.

In-store purchases
Every time you shop in-store, you can get special codes that add 25 to 100 points to your balance, depending on the value of your purchase.

Exclusive Promo Codes
Alpe Pragas might also decide to surprise you with extra points! Collect extra points thanks to special promotional codes, find them in our newsletters or via push notifications. When you click, the points are added automatically!

Use your points for exclusive rewards

Your Alpe Pragas Friends points give you access to a selection of exclusive rewards. Choose the reward you want and redeem it as many times as you want.

Available prizes:

80 points: Free shipping on your next order

150 points: 5€ discount

225 points: €7.50 discount

300 points: 10€ discount

450 points: 15€ discount

600 points: 20€ discount

Download the app

Download the app and start earning points now!

Remember that you need a registered account to log in. If you don't have one yet, register here and get ready to live the Alpe Pragas Friends experience.