ALPE PRAGAS - MON-FRI: 8:00 - 12.00 & 13.00 - 18.00 | SAT: 09.00 - 12.30 & 13.30 - 18.00 | SUN: CLOSED
General terms and conditions
The goods are delivered by courier within about 5 days of receipt of payment. It is very important for there to be a person at the address indicated who is ready to receive the goods, in order to avoid additional costs.
Bank transfer / Advance payment
If you pay by bank transfer, the goods will be dispatched on receipt of payment. Please transfer the total cost to the following account:
Cassa Raiffeisen Villabassa
IT 37 O 08302 59100 000300029408
An invoice for the goods will be sent with the package.
Payment by credit card
You can pay with the following credit cards: VISA, VISA electron, MASTERCARD, American Express & Diners.
If you pay by credit card, you will be charged immediately for your order. Your credit card account will be debited when the order is processed.
Please note that if you pay by MasterCard or Visa, your bank may require use of a PIN or password. With the "MasterCard Secure Code" and "Verified by Visa" systems, online purchases are protected by the addition of a personal PIN or password at time of payment. If you do not have this PIN or password, please contact your bank.
PayPal is an online payment service, through which you can pay online easily, quickly and securely. For this type of payment you must have a PayPal account. The payment confirmation will be sent to us in real time and will a fast processing of your order. For more information, please visit
Immediate transfer
Innovative, simple, safe: pay for your Alpe Pragas order conveniently with an immediate bank transfer, the new online bank payment method.
Apple Pay
Apple Pay is easy to use. And above all it's safe, because your card number is not stored on any Apple device or server. In addition, Apple Pay does not store any transaction data, which could allow you to be traced. In this way you can pay safely in shops, via the app or on the Internet. It's easy!
Cash payment on delivery
Buy easily and safely and pay on delivery!
You will pay the courier directly on delivery of the products. You can only pay in cash; cheques are not accepted.
Any claims for damaged goods must be sent in writing and with attached photos within a maximum of 8 days from receipt of the goods, if the buyer is a legal person, or within a maximum of 2 months from receipt of the goods, if the buyer is a natural person.
In accordance with Legislative Decree 196/2003, we inform you that your personal data will be used exclusively for the shipment of products, catalogues and other communications. You can ask at any time to change these data, to complete them or to delete them permanently from the database.